Healthcare Mural Services

Our Healthcare Mural Services



Room Beautification




Live Painting


Staff Mindfulness


Community Engagement


Signage 🩺🖌️ Room Beautification 🎨🩺 Branding 🩺🖌️ Live Painting 🎨🩺 Staff Mindfulness 🩺🖌️ Community Engagement 🎨🩺

Our Healthcare Mural Projects

Did you know that Murals in Hospitals and Healthcare buildings can create a welcoming and soothing environment for medical staff and patients?

Art and Murals can help us to emotionally navigate the journey of battling an illness or injury, to process difficult emotions in times of emergency and challenging events. An ever-growing body of research has shown that the use of artistic media such as murals in healthcare premises can have a variety of benefits and positive health outcomes. Some of these include reducing stress, improving socialization and connection with the world, increasing health awareness and allow people to learn from their individual and collective experience to improve their well-being.

Murals Beautify Spaces

Art creates a safe and calming atmosphere during stressful situations, improves mental health and can help support the patients and staff identity during hospital stay. Art also helps patients to be more social, and can use nearby artworks and murals to start conversations. Art interventions such as painting a community mural can also have a positive impact in the mental health of all kinds of patients, including those with neurodevelopmental disorders. Creative signage in the hospital setting can also help people to navigate the areas of healthcare workplaces more easily.

Case Study: In 2019, a study in a major regional hospital in the United States studied the impact of nature-themed window murals on admitted children. The results of the study showed that children in the rooms with murals had improvement in both blood pressure and heart rates, suggesting that murals had a positive effect in them.

Murals Communicate Health

Artistic expression has long played an integral part in how we learn, communicate and heal. Art can be used to build campaigns to raise health awareness, communicate healthier habits and help communities understand the risks of certain diseases or behaviors. Public Art displays such as Murals, can be used to send critical health messages through an accessible and emotive visual language that can be enjoyed and understood by everyone. Murals and artworks can also be used to improve on-site signage and make critical emergency equipment more visible for the public.

Case study: In 2014, The University of Pennsylvania created the Defibrillator Design Challenge, a public contest to make Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) more visible. Among the designs submitted by the participants, many involved murals that were appraised by the public in surveys. 77% of the designs were rated as very attractive and educative. This project shows the importance of highlighting life-saving equipment to increase their likelihood of being used on an emergency.

Murals boost Empathy and Identity

Art can help us communicate concepts and emotions by drawing on all our senses, and reinforces our empathy. New studies have shown that Visual arts-based interventions such as community murals can help mitigate burnout, reduce stress and cause improvements in empathy in medical staff, students and patients. Getting the community involved can also help the personnel identify themselves more with the healthcare center, improving their commitment and their identity as healthcare providers. 

Case study: In 2020, as study by the University of Michigan enrolled medical students in visual arts curriculum classes as a part of their studies as Internal Medicine clerkship. The participants valued the intervention as a “welcome scape”, and highlighted its benefits on increasing their listening skills, self-care, and appreciation of different points of view. This study highlights the benefits of visual artworks such as murals in the healthcare community and how they can be enriched by them.

Whether you want to paint your community mural with us or you want us to handle the installation of your Healthcare Mural design, we offer the best results to beautify for your spaces.

Our mural company can paint creative and meaningful healthcare-themed murals in doctor’s offices, examination rooms, waiting rooms, stairways, outside walls of hospitals —anywhere with a blank wall!

What You Imagine, We Paint: For a Brighter World.